Friday, July 10, 2009
6 July 2009came home late after didnt play steps..
decided to go online and disturb west since he is in "Online" status.. XD
chat chat chat.. then out of no where he became very random... ... .. . ..
Dodo ji tao *roll of my chair*Lame liao lo.. This is call L.a.m.e.Suddenly no idea how to react.. Imagine such stuffs coming from him..Ahahahahas.. Wo de mutou shi cute de looooh... =P
8 July 2009Dodo went gai gai C=Hee.. Met up with Tuzi.. and we spent a very romantic (sort of) whole day together XDStarted off your date at JP..Met at JP for lunch and did some shopping..Shopping List for the day:1. MsSilly's Grad bearbear2. BabyEvil's present3. Something special for MrsEvil.. but cannot find leh =X
Got our desired bearbear at a "I-cant-remember-the-name" shop for Silly..Cute cute Tatty bear.. added with a final touch of pink ribbons ~*covers ears before someone screams*
cedits: Tuzi. Koped from Evil blog cos she is not online to send me the pictures XD
But but.. The Tatty bear very cute right!!!!!!!*screams together with someone*
And also, not forgetting the cute set we got for BabyEvil..Damn cute la..!! ~It is so small size somemore..It comes in a set somemore..It is pooh somemore..
So we headed of to NUS..And met MsSilly !!~Hmm.. Took a few photos with the Graduation girl..Photos are with Tuzi.. So might post up.. If not I will just post Silly in her grad gown up.. AHHAHAhas!*the aura around her is so different.. her special day mahh.. got the 飘飘然+ sense of achievement 的感觉*Then Tuzi and Dodo had nothing to do.. So we camwhored with whatever natural resources that were around us..Tsk! Beloved honoured ba!!
For the sake of you.. I am actually putting up my photos on my post blogs!! =P
*Dodo lazy to upload one by one.. so collage them la hor.. *
Psst. Tuzi, the rest I will send you when I see you online C=
Plus, tuzi taught me this!!!
So cool la.. ahahahahas =D
That's tuzi!! (=
Headed off to visit MrsEvil at KK.. =DDD
Damn exciting la.. the journey to the hopsital is like.. .. . . Damn exciting jiu dui liao la.
AntiClimax de lo.. Initially thought BabyEvil not out yet also never mind, at least can pei MrsEvil.. Ended up.. We cant go in visit MrsEvil.. So Tuzi and Dodo went "specially" to see MrEvil.. and pei him have dinner.. =X
Other than his imaginative wings story and "just kick la!!" Evil club conversation and nicely planned childhood for BabyEvil, equipped with guns and weapons and his "tong ku" during these few days at the freezer room.. MrEvil is actually quite easy to get along with.. C=
9 July 2009
Congrats to BabyEvil's official Arrival!!!~
MrsEvil 辛苦你了!!
*heart heart*
west, dodo 想你 =C
♥ Dodo missed you at 1:40 AM.