Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Er.. MrsIc3?$BlogItemTitle$>
o.o hellos.i managed to take a ss of my circle..xP
and.. i just realised. it is worn on my 4th finger.
just like how marriage ring should be =X
sometimes i just wonder.. how detailed these games can actually be.
but why aint the gMs as detailed as they should be....?

and i managed to accumulate 10 pink roses ((=

and made it into a pretty pink headgear !~
oh yaya. and i managed to buy the red lipstick!!
no more poisoned purple le.. after getting so many weird colours..
i finally got a decent red one (=

awhile later.. ice logged in le xP
received this new quest..
i supposed its the dont know what quest also =X
anyway, i should get a gem.. that is used for levelling my ring.

woo lala~
no more le.
goodie nights!
♥ Dodo missed you at 11:15 PM.